Is Your Workplace Equipped to Navigate the Nuances of Grief?

Let’s face it...

Life after the Pandemic is different. We are different and everything around us is different including our workplaces.

So what is Grief Readiness?

It is proactively preparing for the impacts of grief experiences on employee well-being and workflow.

What are the effects of Grief costing my Organization?

Grief is an inevitable part of life, and its effects can significantly impact individuals and organizations. Research shows that unresolved grief in the workplace leads to:

Decreased productivity

Increased absenteeism

Strained employee morale


Attrition - employees leaving a job because it is no longer satisfying

Recognizing this need, Mourning Flow’s Consulting work will equip your organization with practical strategies and resources to effectively address grief-related issues.

Grief Readiness shifts your organization from being reactive to proactive, improving overall workplace climate, increasing employee retention and enabling the flow of energy and innovation.

According to a study by the Grief Recovery Institute,

grieving employees are estimated to lose

up to 20% of their work time

due to grief-related issues

*1 in 4 Employees

are Grieving at any given time

(and this was before the Pandemic)

*1 in 9 people 
know someone who has died from COVID19 
contributing to a "grief crisis" with over

8.1M people bereaved

Bereavement can lead to increased absenteeism

(time off work) and presenteeism (being physically present but not fully productive). The Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) estimates that bereavement-related absences can cost American businesses

$75 Billion dollars annually

Get ahead of it by booking a consultation with us below.