Whether you want to be proactive or are needing support during or after a transition, there is an offering here for you. Check out some of the services below.

End of Life Planning.

A comprehensive planning meeting to discuss end of life logistics & gather and complete pertinent documents. This package is completed over two sessions and can be done virtually. Includes:

Completion/Review of Advanced Healthcare Directive

Delegating Power of Attorney

Death Plan

Deep dives and documentation of all accounts: financial, electronic, social media, all online accounts



Sacred Grief Support.

Includes End of Life Planning Package AND:

  • 1 Client Care Wellness Session

  • Education on the Death/Dying Process

  • Sharing EOL Logistic Planning Resources

  • 1 Caregiver Wellness Session

  • 1 Family Postmortem Wellness Session

  • Funeral Planning Support

In total: 6 Virtual/In person Visits



Bedside Vigil.

An end-of-life vigil is being present at the bedside – quietly, peacefully – during the final hours of a person's life. It is keeping watch so that the loved one is not alone. It is providing spiritual presence with the dying. It can include the act of praying, talking, and performing rituals. A vigiler accompanies a person from life to death, while providing whatever is necessary to make the transition peaceful. We recognize that death is a sacred transition, and we, the living, are honored to be in its presence.



Sacred Commencement

While honoring the beginning of a new chapter in your life, the logistics of wrapping up a loved one’s affairs can be very tedious. With this service, I walk you through the submission and completion of time-sensitive documentation and tasks. Breaking this down into smaller tasks, we are able to move through this time of transition with grace. This offering is completed over four sessions and can be done virtually. Includes:

Beginning the process of closure of accounts: financial, electronic, social media, online accounts

1 Grief Wellness Support Session


Rituals & A La Carte Services.

Includes but not limited to:

Additional Client Care Visits

Caregiver Support

Grief Wellness Follow-up

Virtual Memorials

Living Funerals

Abortion and Pregnancy Loss Release Ceremony

Legacy Projects

Reiki Energy work


Guided Meditation


The process

Book your consultation

Book your free 30 minute consultation

We’ll chat more & get to know each other.

During our call we’ll chat more to get to know your needs

We’ll take some awesome photos & you’ll receive them within 7 days of your shoot day!

After booking we’ll work together to create a meaningful plan of action


“Working and talking with Chanel was like talking to wisdom, patience, kindness and healing personified. With a healthy dose of humor and realness that leaves you with a knowing that is well… right and true.”

Melanie n. || oakland, CA

“I had a lot of fear around death and end of life discussions but the environment Chanel set up during Death Over Dinner was easy, calm and surprisingly beautiful.”

Helen L



How does someone get started working with you?

Whether you’re an Organization or want to start planning your own End of life wishes, let’s start with a consultation. During our call we’ll talk about your needs and make sure we’re a good fit for you and vice versa. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for info on Grief Supper Society Dinner Parties and workshops.

Do I have to live in the Bay Area to work with you and your team?

Not at all. With the exception of bedside vigils, most support that is offered can be done virtually. The beauty of this is It isn’t necessary for us to be physically present in order for this work to be meaningful and effective.

Where is your practice based out of?

Mourning Flow is based in Vallejo, California in the San Francisco Bay Area,

I’m interested in working with you. Do you accept payment plans?

Due to the nature and circumstances of the work, all payments are required to be paid upfront before services begin.

Do I have to be dying to work with Mourning Flow?

Not at all! Our work helps you at different stages of the End of Life planning and preparation process as well as during the Grief Journey. We are honored to hold space for you and your loved one during the active dying process.

Do you work with a team of people?

While there are aspects of this work that are handled on a 1:1 basis, there are other aspects that call for an Integrative and collaborative approach. From Organizational Grief Readiness Consulting to Client and Caregiver support, our team works together to focus on your Grief Wellness. We are also happy to work integratively with your Hospice and/or Palliative Care team.